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In late 2022, the MNS Board’s Diversity and Inclusion committee co-chairs, Delvina Bernard and Sheri Jones, presented the #blackmusicmatters report to the board. The report was a culmination of more than 2 years of community discussions, focus groups, surveys and data dissemination. The report contains 28 recommendations to the board to improve relationships and increase opportunities for the African Nova Scotian and Black music communities.

These updated recommendations are the results of a year’s worth of collaborative monthly meetings with the African Nova Scotian Music Association (ANSMA) and Music Nova Scotia Executive Directors and Board Presidents.


a.) More in-person Basic Training sessions in locations accessible to the African Nova Scotian/Black community with a longer allotment of time per session to allow for in-person discussion and questions. [Unchanged]

b.) Work with the #BMM Advisory Board and other stakeholders to plan a meaningful activation at NSMW 2024. [Updated]

c.) Support existing mentorship/consultation programs that connect members of the African Nova Scotian/Black music community with music industry professionals. [Updated]

d.) Delivery of Basic Training modules by more African Nova Scotian/Black instructors. [Unchanged]

performance related

a.) Support African Nova Scotian/Black owned/led events/projects that showcase African Nova Scotian/Black artists to local festivals, presenters, buyers, and/or media. [Updated]

b.) Continued MNS representation at African Nova Scotian/Black artist performances in HRM and across the province where support allows. [Updated]


a.) Continued regular meetings of ANSMA and MNS Executive Directors. [Updated]

b.) Annual ANSMA/MNS Board and Staff meeting and social. [Unchanged]  

c.) Annual MOU outlining contra support, resource-sharing, and member networking opportunities across educational programming and major events. [Updated]


Support across a shared staff member to research and communicate the following to members, staff, and other industry organizations: [Updated] 

i.) Activities of Black music organizations and initiatives such as SOCAN Black Music Awards, ADVANCE, Collective Music Nation, Hxouse, etc.

ii.) Funding opportunities.

NSMW & exporting

a.) Continued focus on diverse delegates and programming during NSMW with a focus on research and identification of export events specific to the R&B and Hip-Hop genres. [Unchanged]

b.) Continued focused outreach to eligible award nominees regarding award submissions. Additionally, review category submissions and do necessary outreach to maintain active categories. [Unchanged] 

c.) Continued focused outreach to African Nova Scotian/Black artists to submit for showcases. [Unchanged]

community building
& support

a.) Strong and focussed support of BDRB Declaration: communication and follow up with NS venues, festivals, promoters, media, government, educators. [Unchanged]

b.) Development and maintenance of relationships with black led music associations and organizations (ie. ANSMA, Advance, The Remix Project, etc.) [Unchanged]

c.) Establishment of an African Nova Scotian/Black Advisory Body to guide the work of MNS as it pertains to African Nova Scotian artists, musicians, and music industry professionals. [Unchanged]

reach out!

Allegra Swanson

Executive Direction