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June 15 // March 15
Sept 15 // Dec 15
Sept 15 // March 15
Showcase Support:
June 15 // March 15
Sept 15 // Dec 15
Tour Support:
June 15 // March 15
Sept 15 // Dec 15
Program Objective
The objective of the Music Nova Scotia Investment Program is to encourage the creation, development, and growth of Nova Scotian music businesses, artists, and their intellectual property.
Program Investment
The Music Nova Scotia Investment Program is funded by The Province of Nova Scotia. This commitment is made in support of Nova Scotia’s Music Sector Strategy. Music Nova Scotia is pleased to work in partnership with The Province of Nova Scotia.
You will log in to your Investment Profile via PODIO: your investment profile is stand-alone and not to be confused with your Music Nova Scotia artist profile.
If you do not have an Applicant Profile, you must first complete and submit an Applicant Profile form. Please select the appropriate link below. If you have already created an Applicant Profile previously, you do not need to create a new Applicant profile.
If you are unsure whether you have an Applicant Profile please contact the Program Manager, Darryl Smith.
If you are unsure of your applicant tier or would like to discuss the required benchmarks for the next funding tier please contact the Program Manager, Darryl Smith.
The Marketing Support Artist II component supports Artist II and Record Label applicants by contributing to the costs of the marketing and promotion of a single, EP, LP, or tour. Projects focused solely on asset creation are ineligible.
Prior to submitting an Application, all prospective Music Nova Scotia Investment Program Applicants must update their Applicant Profile. If you do not have an Applicant Profile, you must first complete and submit an Applicant Profile form. Please select the appropriate link below. If you have already created an Applicant Profile previously DO NOT create a new Applicant profile. Please contact the Program Manager if you are unsure whether you have an Applicant Profile.
March 15
June 15
September 15
December 15
Who Can Apply?
Artist level II. Only the party that controls the commercial release rights and exclusive exploitation rights to the sound recording at the time of application may apply.
Level of Investment:
$5000 maximum for Artist Level II Applicant (or eligible music company) per Deadline
Percentage of Investment:
50% for Artist II
With your application, you must submit:
A complete and detailed Marketing Plan for your project
Supporting Documents:
Investment Program Policies & Definitions
Applicant Rating Criteria
Private Vehicle Log
Per Diem Declaration Template
Marketing Cost Summary Template (Artist II)
The Mentorship Component supports developmental employment relationships between Developing and Export-Ready Artists/Companies/Entrepreneurs (Mentee) and mentors in which a more experienced music industry professional (Mentor) shares information, skills or knowledge, and standards or best practices that will advance the applicant’s career, enhance their education and build their networks. The applicant (Mentee) should receive the primary benefit of the mentorship.
Prior to submitting an Application, all prospective Music Nova Scotia Investment Program Applicants must update their Applicant Profile. If you do not have an Applicant Profile, you must first complete and submit an Applicant Profile form. Please select the appropriate link below. If you have already created an Applicant Profile previously DO NOT create a new Applicant profile. Please contact the Program Manager if you are unsure whether you have an Applicant Profile.
March 15
September 15
Who Can Apply?
Artist I
Artist II
Artist III
Eligible Music Companies
It is mandatory that all applicants to the Mentorship stream contact the Program Manager in advance to discuss their mentorship project to ensure you and your proposed activity are eligible.
Applications submitted to the Mentorship stream without prior consultation with the Program Manager will not be accepted.
Level of Investment – $15,000.00 maximum per Applicant per Deadline
Percentage of Investment – 75% of total budget up to max investment
With your application, you must submit:
A complete and detailed Mentorship Plan
Supporting Documents:
Investment Program Policies & Definitions
Applicant Rating Criteria
Private Vehicle Log
Per Diem Declaration Template
Mentorship Cost Summary Template
The Artist II/III Recording Program offers a $3,000 investment toward sound recording. These activities must be detailed in an artist bio, history, and recording plan, and a marketing and release overview which will be submitted to Music Nova Scotia as a required element of the application.
Prior to submitting an Application, all prospective Music Nova Scotia Investment Program Applicants must update their Applicant Profile. If you do not have an Applicant Profile, you must first complete and submit an Applicant Profile form. Please select the appropriate link below. If you have already created an Applicant Profile previously, you do not need to create a new Applicant profile. Please contact the Program Manager if you are unsure whether you have an Applicant Profile.
June 15
December 15
Who Can Apply?
Artists rated Artist II or Artist III
An Artist may receive one Artist II/III Recording investment per calendar year, to a maximum of three (3) Artist II/III Recording investments in the lifetime of the program.
Level of Investment – $3,000 maximum per Applicant per Deadline
Percentage of Investment – 50% of total budget up to max investment
With your application, you must submit:
A streaming link of a recent demo along with lyrics (PDF file only), known as the Assessment Track
An Artist Bio, History, and Recording Plan (PDF file only)
A Guardian Consent Form if under the age of 18
At the end of the Artist I Recording project, successful applicants are required to deliver to Music Nova Scotia one new, previously unreleased, professional quality sound recording, called the Delivery Track.
Supporting Documents:
Investment Program Policies & Definitions
Applicant Rating Criteria
Donated Services Form
Guardian Consent Form
Deal Memo for Hired Musicians and Crew
Private Vehicle Log
Artist I Recording Cost Summary Template
The Showcase Support stream provides an investment for domestic and international showcase performances.
Prior to submitting an Application, all prospective Music Nova Scotia Investment Program Applicants must update their Applicant Profile. If you do not have an Applicant Profile, you must first complete and submit an Applicant Profile form. Please select the appropriate link below. If you have already created an Applicant Profile previously DO NOT create a new Applicant profile. Please contact the Program Manager if you are unsure whether you have an Applicant Profile.
March 15
June 15
September 15
December 15
Who Can Apply?
Artist Level II
Level of Investment
$1,500 per Applicant per deadline for Regional Showcases
$3,000 per Applicant per deadline for Domestic Showcases
$5,000 per Applicant per deadline for International Showcases
Percentage of Investment – 75% of total budget up to max investment
With your application, you must submit:
A detailed Showcase Plan – Applicants must provide specific details as to the strategic merits of the Showcase in the Showcase Plan. You must provide a list of industry personnel whom you have invited to the Showcase, including their name, title, and company. Also, please provide specific details on how you will be marketing your Showcase to industry personnel attending the event.
Supporting Documents:
Investment Program Policies & Definitions
Applicant Rating Criteria
Deal Memo for Hired Musicians and Crew
Private Vehicle Log
Per Diem Declaration Template
Showcase Support Cost Summary Template
The tour support stream provides an investment for domestic and international tours.
Prior to submitting an Application, all prospective Music Nova Scotia Investment Program Applicants must update their Applicant Profile. If you do not have an Applicant Profile, you must first complete and submit an Applicant Profile form. Please select the appropriate link below. If you have already created an Applicant Profile previously DO NOT create a new Applicant profile. Please contact the Program Manager if you are unsure whether you have an Applicant Profile.
Changing COVID-19 Situation and Cancelled Projects
In opening the Tour and Showcase applications, Music Nova Scotia is endeavoring to balance supporting our members’ pursuit of export opportunities while acknowledging that the domestic and international COVID-19 situations vary widely and can change at any time.
While applications are open, Music Nova Scotia reserves the right to withhold funding if the federal or provincial governments issue new or change existing travel restrictions that make the planned project unsafe or untenable. If tours or showcases are canceled as a result of changing COVID-19 restrictions, Music Nova Scotia will not provide funding for canceled projects. Applicants should plan their travel accordingly and ensure flights, accommodations, and other expenses are refundable.
COVID-19 Testing is an Eligible Expense
Many countries require COVID-19 testing upon arrival and may not provide these tests for free. Music Nova Scotia will recognize COVID-19 testing upon arrival as an eligible expense for tour and showcase funding for the foreseeable future.
March 15
June 15
September 15
December 15
Level of Investment: $5,000 maximum per Artist II Applicant per Deadline
Percentage of Investment – 50% of total budget up to max investment
With your application, you must submit:
A detailed Tour Plan – The Applicant must provide details (Tour Plan) on their Goals and Expected Results, including a description of the Tour, the Artist’s commercial history, notable successes, and current opportunities in the Territory being toured, along with confirmation that the Tour Dates have been booked (for example, an itinerary from a booking agent).
Supporting Documents:
Investment Program Policies & Definitions
Applicant Rating Criteria
Deal Memo for Hired Musicians and Crew
Private Vehicle Log
Per Diem Declaration Template
Tour Support Cost Summary Template (Artist II)
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