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community-focused recovery & growth
our mission
We encourage the emergence of artists, development, growth, sustainability, and promotion of Nova Scotia’s music industry. We exist to grow and nurture the NS music industry, retain our own natural resource, and promote investment, by –
Development support for artists is greatly needed – grant support, creation, helping them secure distribution, find export markets, revenue streams, etc.
Ensure our artists and industry members from equity-seeking groups have ongoing access to support
Educate: help artists identify and attach to new revenue streams in a digital universe.
Support the development and success of artists and music businesses through the COVID-19 recovery process.
Diversify and develop new sources of funding.
Consult with communities to better understand their needs
Create sustainable programming and support- Proactive, ongoing communication and engagement with leaders across equity-seeking groups
Education for artists who do not have access to resources
Provide assistance with streaming (i.e. gear rental, partnerships) and create opportunities for digital content creation
Leading advocacy for all membership categories on reopening and recovery to identify recommendations on funding and programs needed to accelerate the return to work
Support the mental health of industry members
ID revenue-generating products and services (i.e. project admin for sector events and programs)
Expand corporate partnerships (potentially year-round programs/ operational funding)
Play a larger role in the HRM music scene
Ongoing check-ins with the African Nova Scotian Diversity Committee and other key stakeholders
Closely monitor grant completion reports to demonstrate the return to touring and overall ROI
Demonstrate leadership in supporting the industry
Maintain consistent levels of export initiatives through the creation of digital content through the recovery period
More higher-value partnerships
Increased operational funding
reach out!